Manny Sethi: We Must Tackle Our Asian Carp Invasion


U.S. Senate candidate Manny Sethi has announced a plan to tackle Tennessee’s Asian Carp problem.

This, according to an emailed press release Sethi sent out Friday.

Asian Carp is an invasive species that poses a threat to Tennessee’s rivers, streams and lakes. Silver Carp, a type of Asian Carp, can grow to 60 pounds and can leap up to eight feet in the air. These fish can seriously injure boaters and those engaged in water sports. Because Asian Carp migrate from state to state, Sethi said people must address this issue at the federal level.

“Tennessee has done an excellent job of tracking the spread of Asian Carp and addressing it in our state. We need federal resources as part of the effort to stop the spread of Asian Carp. They are depleting food sources and changing the entire ecosystem of rivers and streams. Native fish are at risk of being replaced entirely by this invasive species,” Sethi said.

“Because of this, we face huge economic threats if the Asian Carp invasion continues. By utilizing federal resources on the front end, we can save ourselves millions of dollars in the long run.”

As Asian Carp continue to reproduce and migrate, there is a significant economic threat to Tennessee, Sethi said. Boating and fishing are a way of life for many Tennesseans, and they are part of the economy in many Tennessee counties. To protect them, Sethi said we must control the Asian Carp population.

Sethi released the following plan to address the Asian Carp threat in Tennessee:

• Continue to study the efficacy of the experimental barrier at Barkley Lock

• Support state solutions such as construction of sound barriers at other possible points of entry

• Support public-private partnerships to incentivize fishermen to catch Asian Carp

• Consider electric barriers as necessary to reduce the carp population

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.







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2 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi: We Must Tackle Our Asian Carp Invasion”

  1. William Delzell

    Some Asians support these xenophobic anti-Asian law thinking that these laws will never persecute them–only those “other” Asians or Africans. Dinesh D-Souza, himself from India, uses racism against other non-whites such as Afro-Americans thinking that such xenophobia will somehow protect him from white racism. He thinks he can be the “good” non-white not realizing that these laws will expand to includes other ethnic groups, including even some whites. Beware what you do, Sethy.

    1. Ron Welch

      LOL! i guess the efforts to control the growth of Kudzu are “xenophobic” and “racist” too. Crazy!
